I choose a word, or sometimes it chooses me as my theme for the year! In 2021 mine is perseverance. With the highs and lows over two years, I need to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. As much as I would like to say that I was thriving through all the turmoil of Gary’s heart issues in 2019 that resulted in him spending eighty days in the hospital and the pandemic in 2020, I was NOT! I have to admit that some days, I clung to hope like a blanket and wanted to close my eyes... Read More
Tuesday January 5, 2021
I was the only woman store manager in the district of ten Circuit City Stores. The District Manager was a jock and held our quarterly meetings with the entertainment and team building activities doing things that guys took lots of pride in excelling and beating one another. Go-cart races, golf, bowling, and even an obstacle course. I was expected to participate in all of these activities and did so poorly ! The worst was climbing the wall of the obstacle course. I wore the safety gear, so I... Read More
Monday November 16, 2020