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By: Bobbi Govanus Tuesday January 5, 2021 comments Tags: #Achieve, #Persistence, #Commit, #Perseverance, #Persevere, #2021

I choose a word, or sometimes it chooses me as my theme for the year!  In 2021 mine is perseverance.  With the highs and lows over two years, I need to focus on putting one foot in front of the other.  As much as I would like to say that I was thriving through all the turmoil of Gary’s heart issues in 2019 that resulted in him spending eighty days in the hospital and the pandemic in 2020, I was NOT!    I have to admit that some days, I clung to hope like a blanket and wanted to close my eyes and make it all stop.  Perhaps you feel the same. In that case, I will share my word for 2021 with you! 

Oxford dictionary says: per·se·ver·ance /ËŒpÉ™rsəˈvirÉ™ns/ is a noun with their definition: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. And uses it in this sentence: “His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness.”  Some similar words are tenacity, determination; resolve; resolution. 

You can see why I chose “Perseverance” as a theme for 2021.  SO much is unresolved in our world.  Political chaos, gender and race issues, the pandemic, and isolation seem to conspire to prevent movement.  My natural ability to focus and my usual single-mindedness are taking a back seat or entirely on vacation.  So for this year, I am choosing to put what I want back in focus.  Prioritizing anew and making decisions that will positively impact my life.  When stuff happens to you, your attitude is what determines the resolution. A dear friend helped her son get this point on New Year’s Eve when she had him squeeze lemons and made lemonade for their Party at midnight!   2020 provided plenty of lemons. It is up to us to make the best of it. 

I know that people who keep doing something despite obstacles always win. When we persevere, we show steadfastness in doing something despite how hard it is or how long it takes to reach the goal.  I want to be that kind of person again.  I know how frustrating it is to have the way that has worked before no longer providing success.  Pivoting to find new methods is crucial. Some were born in 2020, like Zoom Meetings or Facetime family gatherings.  I know that I can discover alternative approaches to accomplish my heart’s desires.  In persevering, I will also use creativity!  So join me in 2021 and make your dreams a reality! 


Bobbi Govanus

About the Author: Bobbi Govanus

Bobbi loves sharing through the written and spoken word.  She is an Amazon Best Selling Author and has delivered topics that inspire and empower in business and personal life to international audiences.  Bobbi views herself as a Travel Guide on the JOURNEY of Life allowing others to thrive while avoiding wrong turns and rough terrain!  She is an award-winning Entrepreneur and Certified Passion Test Facilitator who helps her clients gain clarity by better knowing themselves and what lights them up.  

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